#139: Control Panel V7.1 is now Available!
Control Panel V7.1 is now available! Many Event Companies use the Control Panel to minimise the time, money and effort needed for managing different events. By controlling the events and apps with …
Control Panel V7.1 is now available! Many Event Companies use the Control Panel to minimise the time, money and effort needed for managing different events. By controlling the events and apps with …
Be a part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup In anticipation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Magic Mirror readily made virtual dressing application and gaming kiosk will enable anyone to …
This or That – Outfit Comparison Mirror This or That? This dress or That dress? This sunglasses or That sunglasses? How often do you face this dilemma and hope to get a …
Enhance Engagement and Interaction with Live View Users of Magic Mirror in shopping malls have noticed a significant increase in the engagement and interaction with the signage when it …
Yggdrasil Gaming: Become A Viking! Photo Booth At the Ice Gaming exhibition from 6-8th February 2018, Yggdrasil introduced their latest game “Vikings Go To Hell”. As mentioned by the CEO himself, …