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  4. Accuracy Assurance SOP (For Customers)

Accuracy Assurance SOP (For Customers)

[AC-101] Your staff said one of the devices is not accurate 

  1. Review the data trend in the Data Integrity Report.  
    1. Follow the steps in [AC-104] to determine if there is a genuine data issue.
    2. If you want to verify the accuracy yourself, schedule a video recording.
    3. Raise a Support Ticket to FootfallCam under the category of "Data Accuracy Concern" if necessary.  

[AC-102] Monthly Accuracy Review 

  1. A scheduled "Monthly Accuracy Audit Review Report" would be emailed to the stakeholders. 
    1. To add a new stakeholder, register to receive email
  2. Follow the following steps,
    1. If a device is "Not Tuned" and it has been more than 3 working days since installed, raise a support ticket
    2. If you would like to "Expedite a tuning" or "Have a special requirement" (e.g. staff exclusion), submit "OF22- Verification Request Form". Invoice will be issued for this specific service request.  
    3. Else, there is no obvious symptoms, raise a support ticket

[AC-103] Received a Device Accuracy Certificate 

  1. For every newly installed device, a device accuracy certificate would be issued and emailed to the stakeholder.
    1. You can add/ change/ remove the stakeholder.  
  2. Please review the certificate  
    1. Ensure there is enough sample size collected
    2. Walk test during or after installation in order to speed up the tuning process with the enough sample size 
    3. If there is a concern, raise a support ticket under category of "Data Accuracy Concern" to feedback your concern 

[AC-104] Received Accuracy Email Alert

  1. Click on the link for the Data Integrity Report of the device in concern. 
  2. Follow the checklist, 
    1. If the "device is no longer required", go to the device management page and update accordingly.
    2. If there is a "blockage" on the live view, advise store staff to remove the "blockage".
    3. If the device has recently "changed position", raise a re-verification request.
    4. If there is an "operating hour change", update in the site setting page. 
    5. Else, raise a support ticket

[AC-105] Fixing the on-site accuracy impediment  

  1. Customer requires to address tickets in the support portal under the category of "Customer Accuracy Roadblock": 
    1. "Confirm In & Out Direction" - Go to the data integrity report, review the latest live view image. Screen capture and draw over it to indicate the direction for In and Out. Attach drawing to the ticket. 
    2. "Site is not ready for tuning" - Update the "site ready date" field in the "OF-14 Site Completion Form" 
    3. "Not enough Sample Size" - Schedule a walk test by one of the staff on-site.  
    4. "Overhead Decoration Blocked the View" - To ensure the decoration is 1m away from the installed device 
  2. Customer IT Department requires to address tickets in the support portal under the category of "Customer IT Roadblock": 
    1. "Network Bandwidth Issue" - Resolve the store internet bandwidth issue and inform FootfallCam in the support ticket once issue resolved

Updated on September 25, 2024