Appendix C – Metrics Definition V2

A01 - Footfall Count IN

Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 -
cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 1
Business Description The overall number of visitors entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description A01 indicates the Footfall Count IN based on the summation of RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw Log for the selected Count_Mode of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level
Formula A01 = Kid Visitor In + Adult Visitor In - Staff In
IF Group Counting In > 0 THEN Group Counting In ELSE Non-group Counting In
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation Sum
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A02 - Footfall Count OUT

Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 -
cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 1
Business Description The overall number of visitors exiting an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description A02 indicates the Footfall Count OUT based on the summation of RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw Log for the selected Count_Mode of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level
Formula A02 = Kid Visitor Out + Adult Visitor Out - Staff Out
IF Group Counting Out > 0 THEN Group Counting Out
ELSE Non-group Counting Out
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation Sum
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A03 - Occupancy

Business Description The number of visitors in an area at any given time within the predefined operating hour.
Description A03 indicates the number of Human captured by sensors at certain time.
Formula A03 = [Summation of PFC01 - Summation of PFC02]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group 
Aggregation Avg
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Count_Mode 1_People, 12_CarVehicle
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

A04 - Average Dwell Time

Input DwellCountings Raw Log
RL12 - CompanyID | BranchID | AreaID | ValueDateTime | TotalDwell | Count | IsOperating | OperateDate | IsWeekDay | IsSpecialOp 
Business Description The average visit duration of visitor based on their In and Out time in an area of predefined operating hour.
Description A04 indicates the average visit duration (dwell time)  of customer, identified via the duration between first in time and first out time
Formula A04 = TotalDwell / Count
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Average
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Float
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A05 - Outside Traffic

Input Raw Log
RL03 - WiFi Raw Log
cameraSerial | Mac | Timestamp | Signal | Type PFC01 - Footfall Count IN
Business Description The amount of people who passed by the storefront area but did not end up visiting the store.
Description A05 indicates Outside Traffic based on the unique MAC addresses detected by the relative devices from RL03.
Formula A05 = Count (DISTINCT Mac) - A01
Object_Aggregation_Level Area 
Aggregation Sum
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

A14 - Total Number of Customer

Description Number of unique customers.
Aggregation SUM
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A15 - Total Transaction Count

Business Description Total number of sales transactions.
Aggregation SUM
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area 
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A16 - Total Sales Revenue

Business Description Total sales revenue in respective branch's local currency
Aggregation SUM
Object Aggregation Level Site,Area 
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Decimal

A18 - Children Footfall IN

Business Description Number of kids which contributes to A01
Aggregation SUM
Object_Aggregation_Level Site, Area 
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A19 - Total Number of Active Areas

Description Total number of areas which are considered active.
Formula AreaId
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area, Area Group
Time Summary Level Minutely
Output Type Integer

A20 - Total Number of Engaged Customers

Description Number of visitors whose dwell time > PFH05_threshold value.
Formula IF DwellTime > PFH05_threshold THEN 1
Aggregation COUNT
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A21 - Total Number of Passerby

Description Number of visitors whose dwell time <= PFH05_threshold value.
Formula IF DwellTime <= PFH05_threshold THEN 1
Aggreagation COUNT
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A22 - Average Engaged Duration

Description Average engaged duration for engaged customers.
Formula IF DwellTime <= PFH05_threshold THEN DwellTime
Aggregation AVG
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A53 - Number of Customers Served

Description Total number of customers served
Formula -
Aggregation SUM
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

A54 - Average Serving Time

Description Average time taken to serve a customer in seconds.
Formula -
Aggregation AVG
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Decimal

A55 -Average Queue Wait Time

Description Average time spent by customers waiting in queue in seconds.
Formula -
Aggregation AVG
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Decimal

A61 - All Day Outside Traffic

Description Total footfall detected at areas identified as outside.
Formula -
Aggregation SUM
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode All day
Output Type Integer

A62 - Individual Footfall In

Description Individual footfall.
Formula Kid visitors In + Adults visitors In
Aggregation SUM
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer

B01 - Turn In Rate

Business Description Fraction of traffic which is footfall IN
Formula A01 / (A01 + A05)
Aggregation Follow A15
Object Aggregation Level Follow A15
Time Summary Level Follow A15
Time Mode Follow A15
Output Type Decimal

B03 - Last 14 Days Returning Rate

Business Description Last 14 days Returning Rate
Formula Unique customers seen in the past 14 days / Today unique customers
Aggregation -
Object Aggregation Level Site, Area
Time Summary Level Daily
Time Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Decimal

B06 - Sales Conversion

Business Description Fraction of footfall traffic that is converted to sale transactions.
Formula A15 / A01
Aggregation -
Object Aggregation Level Follow A01
Time Summary Level Follow A01
Time Mode Follow A01
Output Type Decimal

B07 - Engagement Rate

Business Description Fraction of engaged customers to total visitors.
Formula A20 / (A20 + A21)
Aggregation -
Object Aggregation Level Follow A20
Time Summary Level Follow A20
Time Mode Follow A20
Output Type Decimal

B09 - Average Sales Amount

Business Description Average revenue for each sales transaction.
Formula A16 / A15
Aggregation Follow A15
Object Aggregation Level Follow A15
Time Summary Level Follow A15
Time Mode Follow A15
Output Type Decimal

B10 - Units Per Transaction

Description Average number of items per transaction.
Formula Total Units / A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follows A15
Time_Mode Follows A15
Output Type Integer

B11 - Product Sales Conversion

Description Fraction of number of passersby plus engaged customers to the number of transactions.
Formula (A20 + A21) / A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follows A15
Time_Mode Follows A15
Output Type Decimal

B12 - Engagement Sales Conversion

Description Fraction of number of engaged customers to the number of transactions.
Formula A20 / A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follows A15
Time_Mode Follows A15
Output Type Decimal

B13 - Children Percentage

Description Fraction of people who is identified as child (Age 0 to 7).
Formula Total number of children / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B14 - Teenagers Percentage

Description Fraction of people who is identified as teenager (Age 8 to 14).
Formula Total number of teenagers / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B15 - Young Adults Percentage

Description Fraction of people who is identified as young adult (Age 15 to 37).
Formula Total number of young adults / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B16 - Middle-Aged Adults Percentage

Description Fraction of people who is identified as middle-aged adult (Age 38 to 59).
Formula Total number of middle-aged adults / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B17 - Elderly Percentage

Description Fraction of people who is identified as elderly (Age 60 and above).
Formula Total number of elderly / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B18 - Percentage of People with Neutral Emotion

Description Fraction of people who shows neutral emotion.
Formula Total number of neutral emotion faces / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B19 - Percentage of People with Positive Emotion

Description Fraction of people who shows positive emotion.
Formula Total number of positive emotion faces / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B20 - Percentage of People with Negative Emotion

Description Fraction of people who shows negative emotion.
Formula Total number of negative emotion faces / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B21 - Percentage of Male

Description Fraction of people who is identified as male.
Formula Total number of males / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

B22 - Percentage of Female

Description Fraction of people who is identified as female.
Formula Total number of females / Total footfall
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Decimal

Updated on September 26, 2024