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  4. Appendix J: Fabric Staff Tag for Staff Exclusion

Appendix J: Fabric Staff Tag for Staff Exclusion

Please raise a support ticket to activate the feature. For more information on Raising a Support Issue, please refer to Chapter 13.


FootfallCam Fabric Staff TagTM using the latest Time-of-flight technology to exclude any person wearing the tag from being counted. To promote privacy and security, the counter anonymizes the staff exclusion tag's identification so that it is not traceable. Click here for Fabric Staff Tag Datasheet.


Hardware & Environmental Requirements

  • Compatible with FootfallCam 5D ProTM.
  • FootfallCam People Counter MUST be firmware version 3.4.1 and above with compute module 3B+ in order to process HD video and TOF sensor data.
  • Fabric Staff Exclusion tag MUST be FootfallCam design of reflective materials.
  • Live view must have enough walking space (> 2m from center of live view, equivalent to > 4m coverage in the walking direction) for staff to be detected.
  • If the entrance is a sliding door, position FootfallCam People Counter at least 1m away from the door. If the entrance is a swing door, position FootfallCam People Counter at least 1m away from the edge of the door when it is widest open.
  • The floor must be flat. No staircases, slanted or elevated ground.
  • Ceiling Height
    • NOT supported for 2.5m and below.
    • Recommended ceiling height is 2.5m ~ 3.5m.
    • NOT supported for 3.5m and above.
  • Only for Normal Counting or Area Counting mode. Not Supported for Queue Counting or Heatmap Counting.


How to wear the Fabric Tag

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Discreet-Fabric-Tag-1024x575.png
Step 1 The fabric tag should be placed on the shoulder side of your staff uniform as shown in figure above. Make sure the silver material is always facing upward and not blocked by any obstacle. You may apply the fabric tag with iron (heat lamination) or sewing.
Figure 1.: Counter liveview with TOF coverage zone (dark blue color bounding box)

Step 2 Run Walk Test with access to FootfallCam 5D ProTM, the Fabric Staff Tag must be exposed to the counter directly (line of sight). The coverage area would be with the centre of liveview as origin. Staff should always walk near to the center line of the counter position. The bounding box in dark blue color only serves as a reference of the estimated area for detecting the presence of staff tag. The effective area might shrink depending on the environment condition (e.g. ambient light level, target distance and reflectance, etc.). 

**Walk at normal speed, otherwise motion blur might affect accuracy.

Staff Exclusion Video Demo

Staff exclusion in action: Notice that the guy in white shirt is excluded from counting (marked with a cross sign) whereas the other two subsequent persons following him are counted as usual.

Once FootfallCam 5D ProTM is properly configured for staff exclusion, people wearing the fabric tag (i.e. the store staff) would be excluded from counting (i.e. marked with a dark colored cross sign) when the person walks underneath the counter AND passes through the exclusion zone in dark blue color. Other persons would still be counted as usual.

Updated on August 16, 2024