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  4. Chapter 5: Zone Counting Configuration

Chapter 5: Zone Counting Configuration

5.1 Zone Counting for Malls

5.1.1 Zone configuration

For zone configuration to be done, it requires floorplan of the mall to be uploaded. If there is no floorplan for the zone that is about to be configured, please follow 11.3.1 https://www.footfallcam.com/people-counting/knowledge-base/chapter-16-heat-map-configuration/ Identifying the zone

After the floor plan has been uploaded into the FootfallCam Analytic Manager, the user will be able to identify the zones within the shopping mall according to the FootfallCam counters that were installed.

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™: http://v9.footfallcam.com via Google Chrome.

STEP 2 - Click on Setting > Zone Configuration to access the Zone Configuration Page.


STEP 3 - Click on Edit for the floorplan that wants to add the zone configuration into

STEP 4 - Click on + Add Zone to add zone into the floorplan


STEP 5 - Enter zone name and if the zone is an entrance to the site, tick the entrance checkbox. Then click on Create


STEP 6 - Drag and drop the newly created zone to where the zone should be on the floorplan.


STEP 7 - Select the zone from the drop-down list for each of the counters at the bottom of the page. Once completed click on Save

Note: Only one counter can be allocated to one zone



When relocating counters within a shopping mall, the historical data from the old zone will not be transferred to the newly allocated zone.


Updated on September 26, 2024