Chapter 3: Centroid Configuration

3.0 Accessing the Centroid

3.0.1 Accessing the Centroid - Setup Wizard Page


Device SSID defined as Centroid_******** where ******** is the last 8 digits of Centroid serial.

STEP 1 - Connect Centroid SSID via Wi-Fi and login with password: Please get from FFC support personnel..

STEP 2 - Access to any web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) and enter URL:

STEP 3 - Login with password: Please get from FFC support personnel..

3.0.2 Reset Password - Setup Wizard Page


User MUST keep his/her password confidential and FootfallCam sign-in system is designed not to know your password.

STEP 1 - Connect Centroid SSID via Wi-Fi and login with password: Please get from FFC support personnel..

STEP 2 - Access to web browser (Safari, Google Chrome) and enter URL:

STEP 3 - Click on Change Password and enter your preferred password.

STEP 4 - Complete the process and click on Save.

3.1 Basic Centroid Details 

3.1.1 Centroid Info

STEP 1 - Access to Setup Wizard page. See 3.0.1 Accessing the device.

STEP 2 - Fill in the centroid name.



1. Centroid Name

Enter the name of Centroid location.

3.1.2 Time Zone Setting

STEP 1 - Access to Device. See 3.0.1 Accessing the device.

STEP 2 - Click on Settings tab.

STEP 3 - Navigate to section Time Zone Setting.

STEP 4 - Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Save.



1. Auto Time Zone

Time zone will be configure same with FootfallCam Analytic Manager server time.

2. Manual Time Zone

Select the time zone.

(Info: Time zone selected will be apply to report feature.)

3.2 Centroid Network Setting 

3.2.1 Updating corporate network

When users want to change their IP settings on their corporate network, the IP details inputted on the FootfallCam Centroid must be updated as well. If the IP details is not updated on the FootfallCam Centroid prior to the change of the corporate IP network settings, the Centroid will not be able to upload visitor counting data to the FootfallCam Analytic Manager.


FootfallCam Centroid Outdoor comes with standalone networking with 4G capability, thus it does not interact with user corporate network. It has already preconfigured network settings as follows. User may skip this subsection altogether.
Static IP =
Gateway =
Subnet mask =


The user must follow the steps below in the sequential order if they wish to remotely access into the FootfallCam from their internal network. 

  1. Access to the device. See 3.0.1 Accessing the Centroid.


    A user may do this remotely if they can replicate the stores' internal network.

  2. Update the IP setting

    Once the user has access into the FootfallCam Centroid, the user will need to overwrite the existing IP detail with their new setting.

    1. The user will need to navigate to the Settings tab on the bottom of the page.

    2. Select the option Static IP.

    3. Once the user has inputted the new IP settings, click Save to update the settings.

    4. Reboot the Centroid.

    5. When the new IP setting is applied, the FootfallCam Centroid will appear as offline due to unmatched IP setting between the device and the corporate network.


      If the new IP setting is inputted incorrectly and saved, the user will not be able to remotely access the FootfallCam to update it. 

  3. Update internal network settings

    Once the FootfallCam Centroid has been configured for the new IP setting, the FootfallCam will appear as offline and will be unavailable for remote access. The user can then configure their corporate IP settings to match the settings inputted into the FootfallCam Centroid.


If the user updated their internal network settings prior to the change in FootfallCam Centroid, the user must visit the site to change the IP setting.

3.2.2 Redirecting the server address

When users would like to use a new server for data access from the FootfallCam, the FootfallCam Centroid manager must be logged in onsite to update the new server address. Once the server address is updated, the device must be re-allocated on the new server prior to data display.


This guide does not include the migration of existing data, all existing data will not be displayed on the new server.

  1. Access to the device. See 3.0.1 Accessing the Centroid.


    A user may do this remotely if they can replicate the stores' internal network. 

  2. Update the server address - Once the user has access into the FootfallCam Centroid, the user will need to overwrite the existing server address with the new detail.

    1. The user will need to navigate to the Settings tab on the bottom of the page.

    2. Under the option Connect to Analytic Software, enter the desired address of the new server where data will be streamed to. To use FootfallCam cloud server, please enter

    3. Once the server address is updated, Reboot the Centroid.

3.2.3 APN Configuration

(Only applicable to Centroid Outdoor)

If the Centroid Outdoor cannot connect to the internet after inserting the SIM card, kindly configure the APN settings according to your SIM card provider.


Please ensure that the Centroid IP setting is configured as a Static IP. Refer to Section 3.2.1 for instructions on IP setting configuration.

  1. Access the Centroid setup wizard page. 

  2. Navigate to <CentroidIP>/ApnSetting.html, for example,

  3. Enter the APN name and click the "UpdateApnName" button. For example, the APN name for Vodafone Ireland is You can search for the APN name for your SIM card online, such as on

  4. Wait for a few minutes while the service restarts. Once restarted, the Centroid Outdoor should be able to connect to the internet. This can be verified by checking the indicator light next to the SIM card holder. Blue light indicates a successful internet connection.

3.3 Software Pairing Code

3.3.1 Get Pairing Code

To get the pairing code, please login to
After login, go to Settings -> Site -> Edit and you will see the pairing code

3.3.2 Insert Pairing Code

Insert the Pairing Code and Click "Save"

Click "Proceed" and wait for around 2 hour/s for the Counter to be allocate

3.3.3 Check Pairing Status

To know if Counter is allocated, check the following:
-Site Name
-Pairing Code Status

3.4 CCTV Bindings

3.4.1 Add CCTV Bindings


For FootfallCam Centroid Outdoor only, it is recommended that CCTV is configured with the following network settings.
Static IP: -
Subnet mask:

STEP 1 - Access to Setup Wizard page. See 3.0.1 Accessing the Centroid.

STEP 2 - Click on Connections tab.

STEP 3 - Click on Add in CCTV Bindings tab.




1. Username

CCTV username

2. Password

CCTV password

3. CCTV IP Address

CCTV IP address

4. Port

rtsp port number

5. Vendor

Select the Vendor using or other if the Vendor not on list

6. Relative URL Path

see Default Relative URL

7. CCTV Name

Put any CCTV name 

Refer to the following diagram for the breakdown of each field in a full RTSP URL.

STEP 4 -  Click on Add to apply the changes. If there is error, please see Troubleshooting. When CCTV is added successfully, you should see "active" status like below.

STEP 5 - Click Confirm Binding to save the changes


Once the Confirm Binding is clicked, new CCTV cannot be added. Call FFC support personnel if users would like to add new CCTV after Confirm Binding is clicked

3.4.2 CCTV Default Relative URL


Default Relative URL




No default, generated on-demand in the camera configuration page.




















3.4.3 CCTV Troubleshooting

  1. IP or port or relative path is wrong.
    Please provide the correct IP address, rtsp port number and relative path. If rtsp port is not provided, it will be assumed as default port 554.


  2. Username or password is wrong.
    Please provide the correct username and password. They are case-sensitive and can include special characters as well.


  3. RTSP is not valid.
    Please verify that rtsp url is complete, especially the relative path. Check that the rtsp stream can run in video player like VLC Player.


  4. RTSP is not readable. 
    RTSP url is valid, but there is no data streaming in the url. Check that the rtsp stream can run in video player like VLC Player.


  5. Unknown error code.

    Please contact technical support from FootfallCam.

3.5 Centroid Specification

3.5.1 Situations to prevent



Black and White Videos

Interest Zone Too Far


Interest Zone Too Near

and Low Ceiling Height

Foggy Environment

3.6 Centroid Support Guideline

3.6.1 Centroid Indoor



Suspected Root Cause

Subsequent Steps


Tools preparation

Tools required to be prepared for installation support

  • 1x mini screwdriver (to open up the cover of the centroid)
  • 2x Ethernet Cables (to make sure the network is working)
  • 1x Ethernet Adapter (if the laptop/computer doesn't have a Ethernet port)
  • 1x Wi-Fi Dongle
  • 1x HDMI cable (may do the testing prior)
  • 1x working monitor (may do the testing prior the installation support)

Software required to be installed in laptop for installation support

  • Anydesk (to remote access the computer and Centroid)
  • Advanced IP Scanner (to find an empty IP address for Centroid)


Centroid is not powered up (no blue light on the button)

  • Power supply or socket might not working
  • Power cable might have broken.
  1. Check on the power supply or socket by connecting to different device, OR change a different power supply 
  2. If the power supply is working, replug the power cable.
  3. Change a power cable to connect the Centroid.
  4. If the issue still persists, please contact the FFC team with the info you collected.


Wi-Fi is not working, not able to find centroid Wi-Fi

  • Device is unable to scan the Centroid Wi-Fi.
  • The Wi-Fi dongle might have an issue.
  • The USB port connected with the Wi-Fi dongle has broken.
  • Centroid is unable to boot up.
  1. Use different devices or phone to test if able to detect the WiFi
  2. Test the Wi-Fi dongle by connecting to different devices (laptop, computer, etc.)
  3. If the Wi-Fi dongle is working, plug the Wi-Fi dongle to different USB ports available in the Centroid
  4. If the above issue still persists, try to connect Centroid with a monitor using HDMI cable.
  1. If the monitor doesn't show anything, try to disassemble the device, locate and replug the SD card. Perform a power cycle and observe if the issue persists.
  2. If the monitor is showing something, record what is the message shown, and contact the FFC team with the message shown.


Centroid does not have Ethernet light (yellow and orange)

  • Ethernet cable might having issue
  • Router or modem might have issue, either not powered on or port issue
  • Centroid Ethernet port might have issues connecting the network.
  1. Check if the router or modem is powered on.
  2. Replug and test the existing Ethernet cable by connecting to different devices

    a. If the other device is unable to connect to the network, switch the router/modem port and try again.

    b. If the issue still persists, change another Ethernet cable and connect to the Centroid. 
  3. If the other device is able to connect to the network, please contact the FFC team.


Centroid is unable to be assigned an IP address

  • Might set wrong ip, gateway and subnet mask
  1. Set DHCP and perform reboot

3.6.2 Centroid Outdoor



Suspected Root Cause

Subsequent Steps


Tools preparation

Tools required to be prepared for installation support:

  • 1x mini screwdriver (to open up the cover of the centroid)
  • 2x Ethernet Cables (to make sure the network is working)
  • 1x Ethernet Adapter (if the laptop/computer doesn't have a Ethernet port)
  • 1x Wi-Fi Dongle
  • 1x HDMI cable (may do the testing prior)
  • 1x working monitor (may do the testing prior the installation support)

Software required to be installed in laptop for installation support:

  • Anydesk (to remote access the computer and Centroid)
  • Advanced IP Scanner (to find an empty IP address for Centroid)


Centroid box LED


Total have 3 colours:

  1. Blue - Normal
  2. Purple - Got internet but cannot reach ffc server testproxy.html
  3. Green - Either 4g.service not running, or service running but cannot ping ppp0 interface



Centroid is not powered up (no blue light on the button)

  • Power supply or socket might not working
  • Power cable might have broken.
  1. Check on the power supply or socket by connecting to different device, OR change a different power supply 
  2. If the power supply is working, replug the power cable.
  3. Change a power cable to connect the Centroid.
  4. If the issue still persists, please contact the FFC team with the info you collected.


Purple LED

  • Got internet but cannot reach FFC server testproxy.html
  1. Please contact the FFC team.


Green LED

  • Either 4g.service not running, or service running but cannot ping ppp0 interface
  1. Check sim card if available 4G data
  2. Change or switch sim card

Updated on December 26, 2024