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  4. Chapter 40: Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

Chapter 40: Corporate Social Responsibility Statement

1.0 Introduction

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) involves managing our business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. It involves taking part in things that benefit society and it is vital for business success. FootfallCam (FFC) has an excellent reputation in the UK for carrying out business in accordance with the highest principles of business ethics. We are proud of this reputation and are committed to conducting our business activities with honesty and in full compliance with current laws and regulations.

At FootfallCam (FFC), We believe that a commitment to the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only makes good business sense but also complements our core business strategy and corporate values. We define Corporate Social Responsibility as follows:

    • Conducting business in a socially responsible and high ethical standards;
    • Respects the privacy and dignity of our employees, suppliers, customers, and contractors;
    • Supporting human rights;
    • Promotes a work environment of equal opportunity and never engages in unlawful discrimination; and
    • Protecting the environment and the safety of people.

FootfallCam's Corporate social responsibility is traditionally broken into three key areas:

    • Environmental Responsibility
    • People
    • Health and Safety

1.1 Environmental Responsibility

We fully recognize that our day-to-day operations cause inevitable impact on the environment in a number of ways. We will take all reasonable steps to manage our operations so as to minimize our environmental impact and to promote good environmental practice. We will set and follow high standards in energy efficiency and safety.

Through ISO 14001 we employ systems and procedures that ensure the company's compliance with all relevant laws, regulations and other requirements relating to the environment. Sustainability considerations are fully integrated in our business decision making. We carry out environmental supply chain management to encourage suppliers to adopt environmentally sound practices.

Our objectives are to reduce our environmental impact by way of:

    • Reducing energy use, thereby reducing the greenhouse gas emissions which we are responsible for.
    • Minimizing our waste by reducing the amount we produce in absolute terms and recycling at all possible opportunities.
    • Reducing the impact of the goods we procure and natural resources we use through our sustainable purchasing policy

1.2 People

Our employees are our most valuable resource and are a key factor in the delivery of services to our clients. We recognize that it is the caliber of the people that make up our teams that differentiates us from our competitors. As such, we work hard to recruit, develop and retain the best talent in the industry. As part of their personal development plan (PDP) each of our employees is given a clear route for progression, including technical and professional training. Further to this, it is crucial that all employees maintain a high level of safety and technical expertise, therefore regular training and advice is made available.

Annual appraisals are conducted with all employees, allowing quality one-to-one time with their manager to discuss their performance, establish new objectives and determine the employee's individual training and development needs that are required to assist in achieving their goals.

We aim to create a workplace that encourages diversity and equal opportunities for all. We encourage open communication with management regarding working conditions without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment. We believe that maintaining an environment for dialogue between associates and management will deepen free, open-minded and two-way communication, making it possible to build a stronger relationship of mutual trust

1.3 Health and Safety

We maintain high standards of health and safety. However, we rely on all of our employees, subcontractors and clients to play their part in effectively implementing our health and safety policy. We will provide a safe and healthy working environment, and will not compromise the health and safety of any individual. Our goal is to have no accidents and mitigate impacts on the environment by working with our stakeholders, peers and others to promote responsible environmental practices and continuous improvement.

We will undertake risk assessments, implement the identified control measures and ensure that safe systems of work are applied in relation to our activities. We also provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment including safe access arrangements and suitable welfare facilities provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely. promote a positive health and safety culture within the organization, in particular consulting with employees on health and safety matters, both through elected representatives of employee safety and directly at another forum.



This statement it will be reviewed at least annually, or more frequently where there have been significant changes to the company or the nature of the company's activities.

Updated on August 22, 2024