The Device Setting page allows the user to view/configure the following aspects of a device. The following are some actions that the user can perform on this page:
1) Edit Device Information and Configuration
2) Toggle Remote Access
3) Edit Bandwidth Limit
4) Generate Accuracy Certificate
5) Perform Accuracy Audit
6) Deallocate and Re-Allocate Device
Edit Device Information and Configuration
If the user possesses permission to edit a device, he may edit these fields and save his changes.
Toggle Remote Access
If the user possesses the permission to edit a device and the device supports the "Remote Access" feature, he may toggle the device's remote access.
Edit Bandwidth Limit
If the user possesses permission to edit a device, he may update the bandwidth limits of a device.
Generate Accuracy Certificate
If the device has been certified, there will be a link to view the certificate.
Perform Accuracy Audit
The user can access the relevant pages to perform an accuracy audit of this device
Deallocate and Re-Allocate Device
If the user possesses permission to delete a device, he may deallocate the device with the following steps:
If the user possesses permission to create a device, he may follow these steps to (re-)allocate a device.